
How I Lost 20 Pounds and Got Shredded at 43 Years Old

  Naser, 43, tells Men's Health how stepping back into the gym after 12 years led to him completely transforming his body, and getting into the best shape of his life. JUST WANNA KNOW THE SECRETS? DOWNLOAD HERE Prior to my recent fitness journey, I didn't exercise in any form for 12 years, and I had not ventured into a gym since before I was married. During this time, while I didn't gain a huge amount of weight, any definition that I once had gradually became lost. About three years ago I started playing tennis regularly, but it made little difference to my body shape as I didn't change my diet. Pre-pandemic, my job required me to travel a lot. I was away two weeks out of every month for a year and a half. Hotel and airplane food, combined with the inability to maintain any type of consistent schedule for sports or exercise, were not friendly to my physique. Along with a nasty sheesha smoking habit, my wellbeing was pushed to an all-time low. Weight was not my biggest c...

I gain weight in the winter and end up having to lose 10 to 20 pounds each summer. How do I break this cycle?

 I gain weight in the winter and end up having to lose 10 to 20 pounds each summer. How do I break this cycle? It's common to gain weight in winter and then lose it in spring, but it's healthier to keep a stable weight. To break the cycle, dietitians say you should monitor your intake of sweets, alcohol, and fried foods, but don't ban them completely. You'll lose weight more slowly but may avoid the seasonal swing. Read more Working It Out here. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Dear Rachel, How can I break the cycle of gaining weight in the winter and having to lose 10-20 pounds each summer? I find it so hard to eat well, especially when I start - I'm always so hungry and find it super challenging to control what and how much I eat. I was determined to have a coffee and banana as an afternoon snack today and instead just slammed a bagel with cream cheese. I do exercise intensely for an hour 4-5 times a week. - Fluctuating and Flummoxed Dear Fluctuating...

Comment perdre du poids rapidement : 3 étapes simples, basées sur la science

 Comment perdre du poids rapidement : 3 étapes simples, basées sur la science Cliquez ici pour plus d'informations sur la perte de poids facilement Si votre médecin vous le recommande, il existe des moyens de perdre du poids en toute sécurité. Une perte de poids régulière de 1 à 2 livres par semaine est recommandée pour la gestion du poids à long terme la plus efficace. Cela dit, de nombreux régimes alimentaires vous laissent affamés ou insatisfaits. Ce sont les principales raisons pour lesquelles vous pourriez avoir du mal à vous en tenir à un régime alimentaire plus sain. Cependant, tous les régimes n'ont pas cet effet. Les régimes pauvres en glucides et les aliments complets, les régimes hypocaloriques sont efficaces pour perdre du poids et peuvent être plus faciles à suivre que les autres régimes. Voici quelques façons de perdre du poids qui utilisent une alimentation saine, potentiellement moins de glucides, et qui visent à : réduire votre appétit provoquer une perte de po...